I'll Try My Best To Not Get Eaten By A Lion

Cape Town: January 2nd, 2010 - February 23rd, 2010
Johannesburg: February 23rd, 2010 - February 28th, 2010
Kruger National Park: February 28th, 2010-March 14th, 2010

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Lineality takes precedence over laterality…

…in patrilineal kinship as well as the city of Cape Town. It is one hundred percent hill. I keep trying to take pictures to prove it, but nothing does it justice. And I’m pretty sure you don’t want to see my blisters.

After class today we had a “taxi orientation,” which I was skeptical about (I’m a New Yorker – what the hell is there to know about taxis besides, stick out your arm and get in?). True to African form, it is not that easy. The taxis most people use aren’t even real taxis – they’re more like shuttle busses that run specific routes, and you can pay R5 (less than a dollar) to hop on and off at any point on the route. I haven’t tried one yet, but we’ve been told we have to be super quick. They are apparently not forgiving of: Americans, the heat, or women with children.

Then we walked around some shops and stands by Long Street, which was my first real exploration. I keep comparing different neighborhoods to cities in America – China Town in San Francisco, downtown Boston, even Chicago. (No New York yet, but is that even possible?) Then I notice the huge mountains that frame the landscape no matter where you are, and remember how far away I really am.

The food has surprisingly been phenomenal. We get breakfast every morning (interesting fruit yogurts, granola, toast, fresh jams, sometimes eggs or french toast, and always big pitchers of guava and orange juices) and dinners most nights.

Last night's dinner: Roasted vegetables.

Potato wedges.

Beef and herbs.

This afternoon we went for lunch at a café right down the street, and I had – are you ready for this? – a bagel and lox! Of course they didn’t call it that (I think it was “smoked salmon trout with cheese”) but I know my bagel and shmear when I see it.

Going to do some reading (read: take a nap) by the pool. Today is absolutely glorious weather.

 Jackie and Duncan in the pool yesterday afternoon.

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